বাড়ি> ব্লগ> Study Finds: Probiotics Prevent Peanut Allergies in Children

Study Finds: Probiotics Prevent Peanut Allergies in Children

November 25, 2021

Researchers at the Murdoch Children’s Institute in Melbourne, Australia, have discovered a special type of probiotic that can provide treatment for people who have a life-threatening allergy to peanuts.

The researchers distributed 60 probiotics to children allergic to peanuts. Some probiotics were accompanied by small doses of peanut protein and some were accompanied by placebo. The head of research, Professor Tommy, said: The results showed that 80% of children assigned to peanut protein and probiotics did not have any allergic symptoms after receiving peanuts. Of the 28 children assigned to peanut protein and probiotics, 23 were allowed to eat peanuts after the study was completed. This effect lasted 2 to 5 weeks. The type of probiotic used in the study was Lactobacillus rhamnosus.

In the past 20 years, peanut allergies have increased by 350%, becoming the most common cause of food allergy. A recent study in Australia found that 10% of 12-month-old infants are allergic to peanuts, and 3% of infants and young children are allergic to peanuts. (China Women's Daily Pagu)

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Ms. Jane





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